Pringgo Soebowo Dan Legal Construction Of Sale And Purchase

  Rabu, 07 September 2023 - 09:44:08 WIB   -     Dibaca: 672 kali

Pringgo Soebowo Dan Legal Construction Of Sale And Purchase

Pringgo Soebowo dengan judul penelitiannya Legal Construction of Sale and Purchase of Land in Indonesia in the Perspective of Act No. 5 of 1960 Concerning Basic Regulations on Agrarian Principles berhasil terbit di Jerman. Di bawah bimbingan Dosen Endang Prasetyawati dan Moch Isnaeni, ia memberikan pemahaman bahwa UU Pokok Agraria cenderung mengarah pada hukum adat sehingga ada dua sistem hukum yang diberlakukan yaitu hukum adat itu sendiri dan berdasarkan UU Pokok Agraria. Secara garis besar ia menulis bahwa The sale and purchase of land-based on customary law in daily practice is still practiced by some people in Indonesia. The sale and purchase of land in customary law adhere to the principle of "tunai and terang" which means that the handover of rights by the seller is carried out simultaneously with payment by the buyer and immediately the rights have transferred. This research discusses the Ratio legis of the use of the principle of "tunai and terang" in the sale and purchase of land in Indonesia. The research method used is normative legal research with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach as a problem approach method. The results showed that the use of "tunai and terang" in the formation of sale and purchase agreements for land rights in Indonesia is because UUPA accommodates Customary Law as the basis for the National Land Law. The existence of cash and light principles is expected to provide legal protection for sellers and buyers. Karya penelitian ini terbit untuk Edisi September 2020.

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